Skin Needling

Harnessing the natural healing ability of the skin, Micro-Needling is for those looking for a crisp clean complexion. Exceed Micro-Needling is the most advanced, regenerative micro-needling treatment for the skin, designed for increased patient safety and optimal results. The disposable needles remove the risk of cross-contamination, and the adjustable depth allows treatment that is adaptable to individual needs.

Exceed Micro-Needling is so advanced and has been specifically designed so that it is appropriate and safe to use in sensitive and previously inaccessible areas such as the upper and lower eyes, lips, and nose.

Aims of treatment include:

  • Tightens, lifts, and rejuvenates the skin
  • Reduces keloid scarring and, surgical scars
  • Reduces wrinkles and fine lines
  • Reduces stretch marks
  • Decreases pore size
  • Increases collagen production
  • Aids in the regeneration of skin by inducing capillary exfoliation

Give your skin the chemical-free rejuvenation it requires.

Skin Booster Treatments

Restore a natural glow and radiance to your skin with Skin Boosters, restoring the skin’s ability to reflect light and providing antioxidant protection. Skin Boosters demonstrate wrinkle prevention properties and restore skin structure and hydration to the face, neck, décolletage, and hands. It is also highly effective for improving acne scarring, overall skin tone and texture.

Aqua Gold (Mesotherapy)

Aqua Gold for smoother skin and fewer wrinkles

Want to rejuvenate your skin? Try the favourite treatment of some of the world’s best-known celebrities and get an Aqua Gold facial.

Aqua Gold is a micro-needling device made of fine, gold-plated needles which are thinner than a human hair, to almost infuse the skin painlessly with a mix of Volume Restoring Treatments, Fine-Lines and Wrinkle Treatments and skin boosters. This helps reduce fine lines and winkles, reduce pore size, scar appearance, and hyperpigmentation areas of your skin.

We can’t provide skin needling treatments to you if

  • your skin is infected, or you have open sores,
  • you are sunburnt,
  • you have active acne,
  • you have raised moles or warts in the area, or
  • you have had anti-wrinkle injections, dermal fillers, chemical peels, waxing, depilatory creams, electrolysis, or IPL/Laser within 2 weeks in the area to be treated.

After Care following Skin-Needling Treatments

We know your skin will look amazing but don’t touch or rub your face immediately after the treatment.

Your skin may show some mild irritation/redness/erythema and you may have some swelling for a few days. You may experience light bruising or grazing after your treatment. If you have any concerns about your skin, please let us know.

It’s important that you look after your skin carefully post-treatment. To ensure best results:

  • don’t use skin care with active ingredients (hydroxy acids, Retinol and L-Ascorbic acid) for 5 days or until inflammation subsides
  • don’t use spray tans for 48 – 72 hours
  • avoid UV exposure, saunas, spas, and chlorinated pools for 48 hours.

You can use makeup after 24 hours, but we recommend a high-quality mineral makeup, to protect your skin from sun damage.

The treatment is not recommended if you are pregnant or lactating or suffer from diabetes or blood clotting disorders. Let us know if this is your situation and we can recommend an alternative treatment.

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